Financial planning
A good financial plan gives you greater clarity about your longer-term goals and reveals the pitfalls to avoid. With lifetime cashflow modelling, I can help you create a plan that brings your future to life.

Charting a course to financial contentment
It could be, that a lack of clarity about your financial future is a source of frustration in your relationship. Or you might simply want to feel more confident with your money decisions on a personal level. Whatever your issues, a financial plan can help you find a clear path forward. Thanks to sophisticated cashflow modelling software, you’ll see the effect of different financial decisions, and how these can shape your life.
A financial plan may indicate that you’re heading towards a potential shortfall and you’ll need to take action before it’s too late. Or it might reveal that you’re well on track and could start enjoying life a bit more now. Either way, it brings the clarity you need to make informed decisions about your money.
Rather than setting up investments or products on your behalf, I’ll teach you what to look for so you can make the right choices on your own. Start visualising your brighter financial future today by getting in touch to discuss the programmes below.
Financial Planning for individuals
£245 monthly x 4 payments
A creative and inspiring discussion about your preferred future, followed by a comprehensive analysis of your current financial situation. This package is ideal if you’re seeking a sense of direction and renewed confidence in handling your own financial affairs over the long term.
- 4 x 90-minute virtual coaching sessions to create your individual financial plan
- Email and WhatsApp support between sessions to maintain momentum
- Up to 6 months’ access to ‘Voyant Go’ so you can collaborate and drive the planning process from home
- Personalised video update as your financial plan progresses
- A detailed PDF report of your final Voyant financial plan
Financial Planning for couples
£245 monthly x 5 payments
A collaborative and revealing discussion about your future plans together, followed by a comprehensive analysis of your joint financial situation. This package is ideal if you’re seeking clarity on how your personal finances interact with each other, and how this affects your long-term goals.
- 5 x 90-minute virtual meetings to create your joint financial plan
- Email and WhatsApp support between sessions to maintain momentum
- Up to 6 months’ access to ‘Voyant Go’ so you can collaborate and drive the planning process from home
- Personalised video update as your financial plan progresses
- A detailed PDF of your final Voyant financial plan
Comprehensive coaching and planning
£175 monthly x 9 payments
A longer-term partnership of coaching and planning to set you up for lasting success and create real clarity for your future. This package is suitable for both individuals and couples.
- 9 x 60-minute live coaching sessions over a maximum of 9 months
- Recordings of your coaching sessions, if requested
- Email and WhatsApp support in between sessions
- Regular check-ins providing accountability and guidance to ensure you stay on track
- Personalised Money Habitudes report with detailed feedback on your financial habits
- 9 months’ free access to MoneyFitt financial education programme with hundreds of articles, videos and infographics
- Personalised summary notes and action points for each coaching session
- Lifetime cash-flow modelling with 9 months’ of access to Voyant Go and a PDF copy of your Voyant financial plan
- Bespoke video messages of key learning points to refer back to when completing tasks
How it works
Your road to an exciting financial future starts with just three simple steps, and you’ll benefit from my expert guidance and reassurance through each one of them.
Take me there
Start your journey
The first stage of the process is a conversation about the kind of guidance you’re looking for. Simply book a free 30-minute call at a time to suit you to begin.

Establish your aims
Next, you’ll have a discovery meeting to delve deeper into the specifics. This lasts 90 minutes and will give you some food for thought about what you really want to achieve.

Choose your path
The services available to you through GroWiser fall broadly into two areas: financial coaching and financial planning. All you need to do is pick the programme that’s right for your needs.
Are you a financial professional?
If you’re a financial adviser or planner looking to develop a coaching-led experience for your valued clients, you might just find the perfect partner in me. Learn how my training consultancy and partnership opportunities can bring deeper insight into your clients’ financial aspirations, habits and behaviours.
Tell me more
For the times when you’d like to gain a little more financial wisdom and insight, I’ve made some useful resources available for you to use at your leisure.