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Practical tips for your finances. Insights on the emotions and behaviours around money. Thought-provoking articles about life planning. Here you'll find regular posts that you can refer back to time and time again with my regularly updated blog.

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21 July 2024

Does Bitcoin mining really pollute the environment?

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14 July 2024

Why arguing about legal tender is a waste of time

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09 June 2024

How to Savour Your Spending and help your finances flourish

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02 June 2024

5 building blocks to help you achieve financial success

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05 May 2024

Personal finance for young people – 4 ideas for action

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28 April 2024

5 easy steps to practice gratitude for a more thankful life

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21 April 2024

Know your money habitudes for a life of financial bliss

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14 April 2024

The rise of work-life blending and the joy of finding purpose

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17 March 2024

How to get off the Hedonic Treadmill for a more fulfilled life

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18 February 2024

4 ways to make budgeting effective and fun

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11 February 2024

Three money tips to re-ignite the romance of Valentine’s Day

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28 January 2024

How to beat financial overwhelm with the Eisenhower Matrix

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